Inmate ID#: 1009283
Home Address City: Aiken
Drivers Lic State: SC
Sex: F Race: W Build: SLDR |
Height: 5’04” Weight: 120 |
Hair: BRO STLN Eyes: BLU |
Agency | Arrest Date |
ACSO | 02-05-2024 01:00 |
Weekender: NO Offense: |
Charge: Murder / Homicide by child abuse (20Y to Life) Case #: 23-056584 Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |
Charge: Children / Legal custodian, unlawful neglect of child or helpless person Case #: 23-056584 Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |
Charge: Children / Legal custodian, unlawful neglect of child or helpless person Case #: 23-056584 Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |
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